2020 Vintage
2020 Vintage
2020 Vintage is in the tank and it was one of the best if not the best in recent years. Of course it didn’t come without its challenges. The yield levels were down hence it will be in scarce supply.
We are feeling very fortunate that we were able to complete the vintage undisrupted without significant rain events, COVID-19 lock downs, or bushfire. Vintage started approximately 3 weeks earlier than usual with a warmer than average spring. The native tree blossom were in abundance helping keep the birds away from the grapes, plus the added bonus of the warm weather kept the disease pressure low.
The first half of vintage was dry and warm speeding up the development of white varieties, resulting in earlier picking dates; the later half was cooler with a small amount of rain in March slowing down ripening and allowing red varieties to develop flavour.
Chardonnay for Sparkling was the first variety to be picked and it showed early promise of a superb start with acid retention and flavour high. Riesling retained high energy acidity and a floral nose. Each parcel is providing excellent points of difference. Sauvignon Blanc and Semillon have been sensational showing purity, nice acid, freshness and floral characteristics. Cabernet Sauvignon is rich with dark blue fruit vibrancy and soft tannin structure. We are very excited to watch this evolve in the winery. Lower yielding Shiraz has led to exceptional fruit with outstanding aromas and flavours. Very low yields, small grapes and low extraction rates are showing very promising flavours in tank.
The safety and isolation of our small corner of the world led to the team to work hard together to support each other, stay fit and healthy and complete what looks like one of the best harvests we have ever had!
Contact Us
Capel Vale Winery
118 Mallokup Road Capel, Western Australia 6271
Cellar Door open 7 days 10am to 4:30pm. Match Restaurant open .
Phone 08 9727 1986 Fax 08 9701 9297 Email winery@capelvale.com Restaurant Bookings & Cellar Door enquiries cellardoor@capelvale.com